<% '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Template '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Config '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Config() Page.S = fn.dic("s") Page.Cate = "1030000" End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Local Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Content '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub RenderContent() %>
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<% dim pg : pg=fn.dic("curpage") : if pg="" then pg=1 dim qtidx : qtidx = fn.dic("qtidx") if qtidx="" then qtidx = request.cookies("qtidx") if fn.dic("s1")="1" then qtidx="" dim useridx, strHuki strHuki = "false" ' °­»çÈıâ ÀÛ¼º°¡´É? (¼ö°­ÁßÀÎ °æ¿ì¸¸) useridx = session("idx") ' ÁöÁ¡È¸¿ø¹øÈ£ set db = new dbclass db.sql = "select top 1 app2_enddate from course_apply_info " db.sql = "where app2_useridx='"&useridx&"' and app2_state='A' and (app2_endDate is null or app2_endDate+1>=getdate()) " ' db.view set rs = db.execrs() : db.clear() if not (rs.eof or rs.bof) then strHuki = "true" set rs = nothing set db = nothing Set Listing = new ListClass Listing.SetLow = 11 Listing.Columm = " * " Listing.Short = " QThread DESC " Listing.Table = " Board " if qtidx<>"" then Listing.CountSql = "select count(*) from Board where QDelFg = 0 and QUnique=10709 and QviewArea=0 and QTidx="&qtidx&" ;" Listing.Condition = "QDelFg = 0 and QUnique=10709 and QviewArea=0 and QTidx="&qtidx&" " else Listing.CountSql = "select count(*) from Board where QDelFg = 0 and QUnique=10709 and QviewArea=0 ;" Listing.Condition = "QDelFg = 0 and QUnique=10709 and QviewArea=0 " end if Set rs = Listing.execrs() response.cookies("qtidx") = qtidx 'US.SETS "PageName", Listing.Target %> <% i = 0 dim rex, tmpContents1, tmpContents2, tmpContents3, tempId set rex = new Regexp rex.Pattern= "<[^>]+>" rex.Global=true Do until rs.eof tmpContents1 =Replace(Replace(rex.Replace(rs("QContent"),"")," ",""),chr(13)&chr(10),"") ' ű׻èÁ¦ tmpContents2 =left(tmpContents1,80) ' ű׻èÁ¦ ¹× ¾Õ¿¡¼­ 60ÀÚ¸¸ °¡Á®¿À±â if len(tmpContents2)=80 then tmpContents2 = tmpContents2&"..." tmpContents3 ="" if trim(rs("Quseridx"))=trim(us.gets("idx")) then tmpContents3 = tmpContents3 & "[EDIT]" end if tempId = left(rs("Mid"),len(rs("Mid"))-2) & "**" %>
" style="display:none;"><%=tmpContents1%>
<% i = i + 1 rs.movenext loop %>
<%=(Listing.ListCount)-(pg-1)*11 - i%> ')"><%=rs("QTName")%> <%=tmpContents1%>
<%=tempId%> <%=left(rs("QDate"),10)%>
<%=Listing.Paging2("")%> <%if qtidx="" then%><%end if%>
<% Set Listing = Nothing %>
<% if US.GETS("WEBID") <> "" then dim arr1,str set db = new dbclass db.sql = "SELECT idx,Name,fullname FROM teacher WHERE branch='"&us.gets("branch")&"' AND state='A' ORDER BY name" 'db.view set rs = db.execrs() : db.clear() arr1 = rs.getrows() set rs = nothing set db = nothing if isArray(arr1) then for i = 0 to ubound(arr1,2) str = str & "" next end if %>
<%end if%> <% End Sub %>