<% '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Template '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Config '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Config() Page.S = fn.dic("s") Page.Cate = "1050800" End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Local Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Content '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub RenderContent() %> <% if US.GETS("WEBID") = "" then%> <%else%>
<% Dim qUserIdx : qUserIdx = US.GETS("IDX") dim pg : pg=fn.dic("curpage") : if pg="" then pg=1 If qUserIdx = "" Then qUserIdx = -1 End If Set Listing = new ListClass Listing.SetLow = 11 Listing.Columm = " * " Listing.Short = " QThread DESC " Listing.Table = " Board " Listing.CountSql = "select count(*) from Board where QDelFg = 0 and qUseridx=" & qUserIdx & " ;" Listing.Condition = "QDelFg = 0 and qunique=10100 and qUserIdx=" & qUserIdx & " " 'Listing.Dbview = true Set rs = Listing.execrs() response.cookies("searchKeyWords") = "?curpage="&pg 'US.SETS "PageName", Listing.Target %> <% i = 0 Do until rs.eof %> <% i = i + 1 rs.movenext loop %>
<%=(Listing.ListCount)-(pg-1)*11 - i%>   <%if int(rs("QDepth")) > 0 then%> px;" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1"> <%end if%> "><%=rs("QTitle")%> <%if rs("QComment") > 0 then Response.Write("[" & rs("QComment") & "]"): end if%> <%if int(rs("QDepth")) > 0 then%>°ü¸®ÀÚ<%else%><%=rs("MName")%><%end if%> <%=left(rs("QDate"),10)%>
<%=Listing.Paging2("")%> ">
<% Set Listing = Nothing %>
<%end if%> <% End Sub %>