<% '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Template '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Config '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Config() Page.S = fn.dic("s") Page.Cate = "1030000" End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Local Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Content '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub RenderContent() %>
<% dim Qunique : Qunique = 10707 set db = new dbclass db.sql = "SELECT top 3 qdate,qtitle,location,qidx from vi_boardPhotos where qdelfg=0 and Qunique="&Qunique&" order by qthread desc" set rs = db.execrs() dim title(3) : dim link(3) : dim linkIdx(3) dim count : count=0 do until rs.eof title(count) = "["&left(rs("qdate"),10)&"]"&rs("qtitle") if left(rs("Qdate"),10) >= trim(date()-5) then title(count)=title(count)&"" link(count) = rs("location") linkIdx(count) = rs("qidx") count = count+1 rs.movenext loop set rs = nothing set db = nothing Set Listing = new ListClass Listing.SetLow = 12 Listing.Columm = " * " Listing.Short = " QThread DESC " Listing.Table = " vi_boardPhotos " Listing.CountSql = "select count(*) from vi_boardPhotos where QDelFg = 0 and QUnique="&Qunique &" ;" Listing.Condition = "QDelFg = 0 and QUnique="&Qunique&" " 'Listing.Dbview = true Set rs = Listing.execrs() 'US.SETS "PageName", Listing.Target %>
<% if not (rs.BOF or rs.EOF) then count = 0 do until rs.EOF if count/4 = int(count/4) then if count>0 then response.write ""&chr(10) response.write "
    " end if %>
  • " onclick="chgImage(1,this);countplus(<%=rs("qidx")%>);" />


    <%=replace(left(rs("QDate"),10),"-",".")%><%if left(rs("Qdate"),10) >= trim(date()-5) then%><%end if%>

  • <% count = count + 1 rs.MoveNext loop end if %>

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<% Set Listing = Nothing %> <% End Sub %>